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The Dance of Life and Death

Life and death, intertwined they be A dance of light and shadow, for all to see.

One cannot exist without the other A truth we must accept and uncover.

Life, so fragile and fleeting A journey with no real meaning We strive and struggle to make it count.

Only to realize its brevity, the ultimate amount And yet, in life we find beauty and love A precious gift, from the heavens above.

We cherish our moments, hold them dear For in a blink of an eye, they can disappear.

Death, a shadow that looms overhead A reminder of our mortality, a path we all must tread It comes for us all, in the end.

A fate we cannot avoid or bend But death too, has a purpose and a place A cycle of life, that we must embrace.

For in death, new life will spring A beginning that follows every ending So let us live our lives to the fullest.

Embrace the joy, the love, and the goodness And when our time comes to depart May we leave behind a legacy, a work of art.

For life and death, they are one and the same.

A never-ending cycle, a cosmic game May we find peace and embrace the dance they weave.

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