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Love and Loss

kassie black

Love and loss, two sides of a coin One brings joy, the other can destroy A paradox that we all must face As we navigate life's uncertain pace

Love, a feeling that knows no bounds A warmth that fills us up and surrounds It gives us hope and a reason to be A light in the dark, for all to see

But with love comes the risk of pain Of loss and heartache, and tears like rain For when love is lost, a void appears A hole in our hearts that brings us to tears

The memories linger, the pain stays strong As we try to move on, and life goes on But love and loss, they cannot be separated For in love, the potential for loss is always fated

And yet, in the midst of loss we find A strength we didn't know we had inside For love may leave us, but it can never die A flame that flickers, but refuses to die

So let us embrace love, in all its forms For even in loss, it still transforms The pain we feel, the tears we cry Into a memory that will never die

Love and loss, two sides of a coin One brings joy, the other can destroy But in the end, it's worth the cost For love is what makes life worth the loss.

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