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kassie black

Capitalist overlords ruling and conquering lands around the world

Only to subjugate its people and destroy its natural beauty as if

Lush green fields, forests, and icy glaciers so white and pristine exist

One after another in infinitum like an infinite never ending resource

Not willing to admit to their fuck ups but rather keep making them

Intentionally prioritizing profits and greed over the health and wealth of

All people collectively caring more about the short term and the immediate

Losses to share holders as apposed to the common good and society we dare

Imagine to exist a place where people are treated as one no matter their birth place a

Society in which people and nature come before profits and greed a society where our

Money does not rule and control our lives and communities but rather enables their growth.


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a poem on immigrants and their lives.

A Free Gaza

In a quiet corner where shadows weep, A little girl dreams while the world’s asleep, Her heart, a lantern, glowing bright.


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