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A Free Gaza

In a quiet corner where shadows weep,

A little girl dreams while the world’s asleep,

Her heart, a lantern, glowing bright,

Hopes for a dawn that breaks the night.

She draws in the sand with delicate grace,

A garden of laughter, a peaceful place,

Where flowers blossom in colors bold,

And stories of joy are tenderly told.

“Let the bombs cease their thunder,” she pleads,

“Let love plant its roots, let compassion breed.

For every child deserves to play,

In a world where the sun lights the day.”

She closes her eyes to the echoes of pain,

Imagines a land where hope reigns again,

Where laughter rings out like a sweet song,

And hearts find their rhythm, together, strong.

“Free Gaza!” she whispers to the stars above,

“Fill the air with kindness, and blanket with love.

For every tear shed, let it be a seed,

A bloom of tomorrow, from heart’s pure need.”

In the silence that follows, her dreams take flight,

Carried on wings through the velvet night,

To a world where the shadows no longer cast,

And peace is a promise, a spell that holds fast.

Oh, little girl, with dreams so wide,

Keep lighting the way with your hopeful tide.

For one day your vision, so brave and so true,

Will echo in hearts and awaken anew.

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