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The ARk Project
The Full Story

so everyone or just about everyone remembers covering the classical period of history we can refer to as ancient Greece and the story of people such as Plato or Alexander The Great and the great library of Alexandria Egypt in school right or is it just me? as my high school history teacher once said: "the library of Alexandria was essentially the first-ever government grant for learning, it was just a here is a bunch of money, use it to learn things then tell me what you learned. sort of situation" -Mrs. Katelyn Paine.
For those of you who do not know what it is, allow me to refresh your memory. The Library of Alexandria was the largest library of classical antiquity. existing between the years. [insert years here] and is famed as being the place where [insert name here] first came upon the idea that the earth is round. Being home to many other great achievements as well, it is my desire and dream to see a resurrected library in honor of all of man's achievements made so far all those yet to be made.
The original library of Alexandria was a massive complex spanning over many acres and held things such as the main library, many lecture halls both indoor and outdoor as well as concert halls and likely would have contained a food court if you ask me ha-ha. I like to think of the library as this sort of massive multiplex mall of free information and knowledge, something I think not only should exist in the modern age but also be expanded upon so as to help secure the collective works of mankind and all its experiences.
I would like to see a resurrected Library featuring a massive main library and reading room on a massive campus including a science and tech laboratory with a focus on biotechnology science and environmental sciences. the complex would also boast an astronomy observation tower, an indoor vertical farming solution as a state of the art hospital and multiple indoor and outdoor lecture halls part of a public university and cultural center for humanity that will be able to operate on a supermassive global scale with both in person and online classes and experiences. plans also include an animal care center for endangered species as well as living spaces and other communal/ social necessities for those working and living on the campus.
I think it would also make a wonderful place to act as an open international meeting place for political needs such as a U.N. building, a W.H.O lab and other similar things for international governmental co-operation. The focus being to bring about a better understanding of the world around us. This "multiplex mall of information" would also be open tot he greater public via a digital 3-d version of the complex like a level in a video game. In the top right above the photo of the original library i have a button to download my files on the project should you want to know more or get a better idea on the scope of the project at hand. Should the project be completed it will be the largest monument to humanity ever created and will be the largest learning center and library to ever exist. (note the button does nothing now as i have to upload everything first.)
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