CyberTech OS
Cyber-Tech O.S. is both a desktop operating system designed as a free and open-source gnu/Linux based operating system with digital forensics and general research as its primary focus

to create a well designed security focused operating system built with security, research, and computer engenering in mind as it main focus.
feature packed with everything you could ever need for security, forensics, and research CyberTech OS isyour one stop shop to do it all!

with things like low orbit and high orbit ion cannon, aircrack-ng, cisco global exploiter, hashcat, maltego, wireshark, hydra and more there is always a tool to fit your needs.
Built using the power of the FREE open source linux operating system stucture i have worked tierlessly to ensure that CyberTech OS remains the best FREE and open access operating system for your professional needs and thats the way it will stay #FOSSEVERYTHING!

GET CyberTech OS
with such a cool idea you are probably wondering where to download or acquire such an amazing peice of software. Well good news is you download it right now right here using the button below!